On Friday 6 September 2013 the Macarthur Law Society hosted a lunch for the NSW Attorney General, Mr Greg Smith QC to discuss local issues- 53 people attended at Camden Park Golf Club from various community agencies including the Police, Chamber of Commerce, Domestic Violence support groups and solicitors. A hotly discussed topic was the closure of Camden Local Court announced a few months ago and set to take place next year.


Under the Fair Work Act there is a cap, or limit, on the amount an employee not covered by an award or agreement can earn in order to be entitled to make an unfair dismissal claim. This amount is indexed and from 1 July this year it will reach the amount of $129,300. This obviously is a significant figure and covers many employees. The increase also applies to eligibility for guarantees of annual earnings

Employees who have served the minimum employment period and who are covered by a modern award or enterprise agreement have access to unfair dismissal claims regardless of what they earn. The minimum employment period is six months but if the employer is a small business employer, the period is 12 months.

Similarly the maximum amount that the Fair Work Commission can order an employee who it finds has been unfairly dismissed is now an amount of $64,650, being 6 months pay at this capped rate.

For further information regarding employment entitlements or employment law generally please contact Geoff Lloyd of our Camden office.