Welcome to the lives of two people in England. They separated after only 2 years of marriage and the husband lodged an Application for Divorce with the Court in 2013. But when he did so, he accidentally ticked a box on the form saying that he and his wife had not been...
Family finances and circumstances do not always allow for couples separating to move out of the family home even if the relationship is truly over. This does not mean an Application for Divorce can not be made until 12 months after you move out of the home; but you...
Black FridayDon’t miss out on our biggest sale of the year. Get 10% OFF our applications for divorce and our online wills.
The discount will apply for divorces and online wills done on or after midnight Thursday, 25 November, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday (until midnight Monday 29 November) For divorce applications call 4651 4800 or email familylaw@cmcox.com.au